Gum Disease and Pregnancy – What Should You Know

dentist in Fairfield, CA

Pregnancy can lead to many problems, including oral health problems. Taking care of teeth during pregnancy is very important to ensure healthy teeth and the health of the baby as well. Make sure you are going for a dental checkup during pregnancy. You do not have to worry about the safety during a dental visit. 

You should also know that pregnancy does not cause any oral health problems or damage your teeth. However, if there are changes in your lifestyle or habits during pregnancy, then they can have a negative impact on your oral health. This can lead to an increase in the risk of having oral health problems. 

In Fairfield, residents should be mindful of their oral health and make sure they are taking care of it in the right way. Some daily oral health practices, such as brushing twice a day, flossing, and going for routine dental check-ups, can reduce the chances of different oral health problems. 

This is something that is very much needed during pregnancy. A dentist in Fairfield, CA, can help you if you are having any oral health issues. 

What are some of the dental problems that can affect the baby?

According to research, there is a link between gum disease and premature birth. Children with low weight might be significantly affected by gum disease or some other oral health issue. 

Furthermore, those babies who are prematurely born can also be at greater risk of developing brain injuries. They might also create problems associated with hearing and having low eyesight. A dentist can significantly improve the symptoms of oral health issues. 

How can you ensure good oral health before pregnancy?

The chances of having oral health issues or different dental problems during pregnancy are pretty low if you are taking care of your oral health before pregnancy. Here are some of the things that you can do to take care of your oral health before pregnancy:

  • You can brush your teeth twice a day and make use of fluoride toothpaste. 
  • Fluoride toothpaste should be used in a lesser quantity as it can have an impact on tooth enamel. 
  • Follow a healthy diet, eat nutritious food, and avoid things with a lot of sugar in them. 
  • You can use interdental brushes to brush your teeth.
  • Clean in between your teeth as well.
  • Do not make use of products having tobacco, and also reduce the consumption of alcohol. 
  • Avoid having alcohol during pregnancy.
  • Tobacco needs to be avoided at all times. 
  • Make a visit to your dental clinic every six months. 

What can be the causes of oral health issues?

There can be many different causes of oral health issues, some of which are discussed below:

  • Changes in hormones can have an impact on your oral health. 
  • Vomiting every now and then.
  • Having food items rich in sugar.
  • Gagging when you are brushing your teeth. 

How the hormone changes during pregnancy can affect oral health?

Pregnancy hormones can give a person gum health issues or other oral health issues: 

  • Having gingivitis: 

The person may get gum disease during the second trimester of their pregnancy. If you are noticing swelling in your gums and bleeding, then it is time you reach out to a dentist. 

  • Periodontal disease:

You can also have infections in some structures of your teeth. It can include bones and gums. When you leave gum disease untreated, you can experience these problems. 

  • Pyogenic granuloma: 

If you see something red forming on your teeth or gums and you notice bleeding from it, that may happen quickly; then you should consult a dentist as soon as you can. 

Take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy!

Oral health has a vital role in ensuring the health of the baby and the mother. Make sure you are taking the necessary precautions and ensuring oral health is in check. Routine checkups and visits to a dental office can ensure that your dental health is maintained.